ICE launched its accreditation program (ACAP) for assessment-based certificate programs in 2012. The ICE 1100:2019 Standard was developed in order to provide guidance to organizations developing assessment-based certificate programs. It highlights the essential elements of a high-quality program.
Start Here
- Use the ICE 1100 self-assessment checklist
- This is a tool for your own evaluation purposes and is not to be submitted as part of the application process. The ICE 1100 self-assessment checklist is available to help you to gauge your program's readiness to apply for accreditation.
Additional Resources
Sample ACAP templates (to demonstrate roles, qualifications of personnel and for linkage from learning outcomes to assessment)
- Addressing Problem Areas with ACAP Applications (White Paper): Members of the ACAC wrote a white paper to provide prospective I.C.E. 1100 applicants with a means to identify some potential challenges to resolve in the short term, and some more fundamental issues that should be addressed before investing the time and expense in an application.
- I.C.E. Podcast: Assessment-based Certificate Accreditation: What is an assessment-based certificate program and why should it be accredited? Hear from three members of I.C.E.’s Assessment-based Certificate Accreditation Council (ACAC) as they discuss accreditation programs, why it’s a good idea to get accredited and what the pitfalls are for many applicants.
- Needs Analysis for Assessment-Based Certificate Programs (Credentialing Insights article): A proper needs analysis is imperative to the success of an assessment-based certificate program. A needs analysis helps identify the target audience, the gaps in current performance and the content necessary to support success. The needs analysis results help you create learning objectives and inform the program's design, including the content you will include and how you will assess the learning. The needs analysis results can also inform your marketing strategy, extending your reach to serve more individuals and organizations.
- The ABCs of Assessment-Based Certificate (ABC) Program Accreditation (Credentialing Insights article): Unknown to many professionals, there is a standard that provides guidance to organizations developing assessment-based certificate (ABC) programs.
- Tips for Designing Technical Components of Assessment-based Certificate and Microcredential Programs (On-Demand Webinar): Joy Matthews-López, PhD focuses on the development, design, and psychometric components of ABCs and microcredential programs. For those that wish to seek accreditation, guidance is provided on how to align program design and execution with aspects of the ICE1100 Standard. Learn tips for establishing a content validity argument, such as how to logically link together job/task analysis outcomes, a corresponding exam blueprint, and learning and assessment materials.
- Foundations of Assessment-Based Certificate Programs (online course): Use this four-module e-Learning course to provide your staff and volunteers basic knowledge and good practices for developing and administering an assessment-based certificate program.
- ICE 1100 Store. Access even more resources by visiting the accreditation section of our ICE store.
- Consultant/Industry Partner Directory. Utilize ICE's Industry Partners to help you through the application process. Search for those with expertise in “Certificate Accreditation Consulting”.
Case Studies
Application Deadlines and Process
Application submission deadlines occur three times per year:
- March 31
- June 30
- October 31
The ICE 1100 application is online and accessible through our accreditation portal.
Application Review and Accreditation Decisions
Once the assigned reviewers have completed their initial application review, the ICE 1100 Council will convene to share their findings. The Council may make one of the following decisions:
- Defer the application for more evidence or explanation of compliance to one or more standards; or
- Approve the application based on full compliance with the ICE 1100 Standard; or
- Deny the application based on significant non-conformity to the ICE 1100 Standard.
Upon satisfactory completion of the application review and audit, accreditation will be granted for five years.
To appeal an Accreditation Decision, refer to the Grievances Policy 
Maintaining Accreditation
Annual report forms are emailed to the primary contact of organizations with accredited programs at the beginning of May each year, to be completed by July 1st.
The ICE 1100 standards require that each organization with an accredited certificate program(s) complete an annual report form to demonstrate ongoing compliance with the standards. The annual report form is required for several reasons, including:
- To document compliance with ICE 1100 standards for maintaining and updating the program;
- To keep organizations with ICE accredited programs continually aware of the accreditation standards; and
- To provide organizations the opportunity to receive feedback on any changes that may affect their accreditation status and receive suggested actions to take to maintain compliance.
In limited situations, the annual report form may provide data leading to revocation of ICE accreditation if the certificate program fails to respond or its response demonstrates intended lack of compliance with ICE 1100 Standard.
Renewing ICE 1100 Accreditation
Accreditation is valid for a period of 5 years. When a certificate program's accreditation is set to expire, the sponsoring organization is required to submit a renewal application.
The renewal application and process is identical to the initial application and process - therefore, it requires a complete new application with all supporting documentation.