Institute for Credentialing Excellence

Volunteering with I.C.E.

Serving on a committee or task force is a benefit reserved for I.C.E. members, providing opportunities for networking and community-building. Committee and Task Force Call for Volunteers occurs every October and November. Call for Leadership Opportunities (Board of Directors, NCCA, ASC, CSC, Nominating Committee) occurs in May.

Thank you 2024 committee volunteers

Volunteer committees include:

  • Annual Conference Program Committee
  • Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee
  • Education Committee
  • Government Affairs Committee
  • Membership Outreach Committee
  • Publications and Editorial Committee
  • Public Member Committee
  • Research and Development Committee
  • Research and Development Fundraising Committee
  • Research Think Tank

If a committee member is no longer connected with a member organization and would like to continue serving, I.C.E. will provide a grace period of 4 months.  After 4 months, the individual can request an extension by sharing an update on current or pending membership status and if needed, request membership support if they are connected to an organization that is not an I.C.E. member.