Institute for Credentialing Excellence

I.C.E. Individual Membership

If you are interested in the field of competency assurance but do not work directly in the industry, you may be eligible for individual membership. Examples of individuals who qualify under this category include but are not limited to students, professors, retirees, human resource managers of non-credentialing organizations, and public advocates.

ICE Membership Benefits

Build Your Foundation
  • Receive reduced pricing on ICE industry training
    Build your industry knowledge of necessary components of developing a new certification program through Certification 101. This training is available as a full series or for individual purchase by topic area.

    You may also consider getting recognized as a certificate holder of the "credentialing specialist" credential. The Certificate Program for the Credentialing Specialist was created to 1) identify the tasks required of a certification professional and the skills and knowledge needed to practice, 2) provide a clear career pathway for individuals who are developing, implementing, and maintaining quality certification programs, and 3) recognize those who have attained the requisite skills and knowledge.
  • Access free white papers
    ICE's Publications Committee is expanding this portfolio of free member resources. Look forward to white papers on the topics of score reporting, the value of certification, and recruiting and managing subject matter experts for publication in 2015.
Stay Informed of Industry Trends and Best Practice
  • Receive reduced pricing on ICE resources: original research, varied publications, webinars, and live workshops
    We bring you the benchmark statistics and industry trends you need to succeed and stay ahead in the credentialing industry. We offer resources on topics related to the business of certification; test development, administration, and security; marketing credentials and creating a value proposition; and more.
  • Receive free copies of the NCCA and ICE 1100 Standards and discounts on accreditation applications ICE accredits both certification programs (NCCA) and assessment-based certificate programs (ACAP). ICE members receive a free copy of the standards and discounted access to resources that help organizations better prepare for accreditation. These standards represent the industry's collectively agreed upon good practices for credentialing programs.
Grow Your Network
  • Receive reduced registration rates for the ICE Exchange annual conference
    This premiere industry event gathers over 500 industry professionals from national and international credentialing organizations for 4 days of rich education and networking. Between the concurrent and general sessions, special interest groups, roundtables, Innovation Hall hours, and networking events, you're guaranteed to return to the office with an expanded rolodex of industry contacts and applicable solutions to your most pressing issues.
  • Access the ICE website database to search for industry contacts by job title, organization, or location
    Utilize the ICE database and social media sites to expand your network of credentialing professionals.
  • Look for or post jobs in ICE's Career Center
    ICE individual members may post an anonymous resume in the Career Center and set up email job alerts so that even if you are not actively looking, you may stay abreast of opportunities. ICE members may also post job listings at discounted prices and receive enhanced resume viewing options.
  • Serve on an ICE committee or task force
    Only ICE members may volunteer on committees and task forces. Get to know your member community better and gain exclusive insight into ICE's current projects and future developments. This is a great opportunity to network and learn directly from your peers year-round. The call for volunteers runs from October - November, but contact ICE staff about possible open opportunities if you are joining mid-year.

ICE Membership Dues

For $589/year, you may join our community of credentialing professionals. As an individual member, you will receive all of the ICE member discounts and benefits. However, you will not have voting privileges in the annual ICE leadership elections nor may you hold elected offices.

Please note that ICE's membership cycle is based on a calendar year. If you join mid-year, you will pay the full membership fee up front and then will be invoiced in November/December with a reduced, pro-rated amount for renewal of the following membership year.

Please note that ICE membership dues are non-refundable.

If you believe you fit into this category, email ICE staff to confirm your eligibility for this membership type. Please note that due to the ICE Bylaws, individual membership traditionally cannot apply to individuals who are employees of associations or credentialing programs. However, we'd be happy to discuss further how you may fit into our unique membership structure.

To apply for approval of individual membership, please email today with the following information:

  • A brief description of your current position
  • A brief description of your interest in ICE