Institute for Credentialing Excellence

International Credentialing Webinars 

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An Introduction to Test Translation, Localization, and Adaptation (2019)

In this session, we will discuss issues and challenges that are typically encountered when moving from a mono-linguistic exam to a poly-linguistic model. Issues related to test development, score equivalence, and psychometric considerations will be addressed, and examples and practical solutions will be provided. Specific steps that can be taken before, during, and after the initial development will be outlined and caveats for special situations and circumstances will be included. Information will be framed within an accreditation context.

After attending this live webinar, you will:

  • learn what the common issues and challenges are when moving from a single (source)-language assessment instrument to additional (target) languages (and/or cultures).
  • become aware of mistakes commonly made during test development.
  • understand the critical role of culture in the trans-adaptation process.

Member Price: $95; Non-member Price: $135

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Leveraging ISO/NCCA Accreditation as a Marketing Tool (2017)

Certification programs seek ISO/NCCA accreditation for a variety of reasons, including using it as a marketing tool. Organizations use accreditation to distinguish and promote the value of their programs to their various stakeholders in different ways, some more successfully than others. The efficacy of accreditation as a marketing advantage has a lot to do with industry factors and how proactively the organization leverages it. Learn different tactics to effectively leverage the achievement of accreditation and see examples of what other programs have implemented. Explore the marketing “promise” of accreditation versus what the credential is delivering.

Member Price: Complimentary; Non-member Price: $30

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International Expansion: A Strategic Approach (2015)

Expanding a program globally requires an honest approach with inclusion, diversity and sensitivity to various and sometimes disparate cultures. Join Dania Eter and Vikas Wadhwani to consider the design, development, implementation and delivery of a global certification program, focusing on the challenges of making the program truly international. Legal, financial, social, security and other strategic aspects of successfully expanding a program are discussed. Best practices are shared in maintaining a global program for the long term. 

Member Price: Complimentary; Non-member Price: $30

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Broadening Your Horizons: Theory & Mechanics of Going International (2014)

The world continues to shrink. Increasingly, individuals are not only moving across states and countries, but across continents. The idea of taking a certification program global, and accessing a world of potential candidates, is appealing. While taking a program international can be rewarding, going international also includes unique complexities and challenges. Hear about the complexities of international certification programs, including how to leverage the world of opportunities and how to avoid common, potential problems. The presenters will address the various approaches to going international, issues related to exam security, as well as challenges of cultural and language differences. Walk away with a deeper understanding of these issues to develop strategies to overcome the challenges of an international certification program and use meaningful criteria to help you determine the best pathway for your organization to reach its international goals.

Member Price: Complimentary; Non-member Price: $30

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